Thursday, March 8, 2007

How to get noticed in a blog community

When I joined the "Man vs. Wild" official posting forum, I was unsure as to how I could become someone recognizable to all of the other posters who are out there. After reading through several pages of posts and seeing who said what, and who seemed to be in charge I realized one undeniable fact. The people who get the most out of the forum they are speaking in must constantly be checking and updating their comments.

In order to become recognizable by the other "superfans" in the group, you not only have to have a post names like "Iheartmanvs.wild1" but you also have to be someone with enough time on their hands to devote to getting into serious arguments with people you barely know. So, with this information in hand, I entered the forum and quickly made several comments in an attempt to stir up the other superfans.

Unfortunately, it was several days before anyone responded to my comment, and it seemed like it was relatively benign in the effect it had on the forum. Perhaps my next comment will have to be more offensive, or maybe I'll just wait until one of the regulars makes a comment and try to take down one of the big shots. Either way I plan on being noticed...and soon.

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